Monday 13 October 2014

Black Box - New Kickstarter

So the waiting is over and the new Orcs vs Dwarfs set from Black Box is on kickstarter, they are already at 25% funded so its looking good that we might see this by Christmas.

This is an expansion to the game and changes the deck size and winning conditions. It makes it a bigger game with many more variable. We will now have sell casters, monstrous creatures and flying creatures. All of these are excellent additions to the game and will make you need to think a lot more.

There are more details on the facebook page and the kickstarter page, so why not take a look.
In addition to the expansion for Orcs and Dwarfs there is a potential that we will also get the expansions to the other two sets if we can reach the stretch goals. For me this is a must the game will be great with the one expansion but with three its going to be amazing. Please have a look at in the next few days and back at whatever level you can.

I will be having a look in at the new card types in a bit more detail in the coming days starting with monstrous creatures and the new game structure tomorrow.

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