Tuesday 27 January 2015

Lords of War Draft Tournaments

Today as part of Young Guns we will be holding a Lords of War Tournament. This will be our very first event of the year and will see us issuing our very first command star. This time we are going to do something a little different and we will be running a draft. I have six decks ready to go and as I will be taking the cards back at the end of the event there is no additional cost for this tournament. I will need a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 6 for this event.

The Setup
Give each club member a full Faction deck at random and have them open it.
Using the Rank symbols on each card (as found in the Lords of War Rules) have players sort their deck into 6 decks by Rank but have them hold onto their General.
Next, take all the cards of each particular Rank belonging to ALL players and sort them into 6 decks containing all cards of a giving rank.
This should lead to 1 deck of assorted Command Cards, 1 deck of assorted Special Units, 1 deck of assorted Elite Units, 1 deck of assorted Veterans and so on.
Next, shuffle the Command Card deck and deal these cards out to each player.
Players should then all look at their hands (in which there should be 5 Command Cards plus their General) and pick ONE Command Card to keep.
Once they have chosen the card they want, they then pass the rest of their hand to the player on the left and take the hand of the player to their right.
Continue this process until all players have 5 Command Cards, then do the same with the Special Units deck, Elite Units deck and so on until each player has a full deck of 36 cards.
Next, simply play a standard Lords of War Tournament.
At the end of the Tourney we will have a winner and the very first Lords of War Commander of 2015!

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